Friday 19 July 2013

Back, Bladder and Bowel Care

Back, Bladder and Bowel Care


Patients in Orthopedics are usually bed ridden so they have problems in proper bladder and bowel care. These makes them prone to development of pressure sores and poor function of bladder and bowel.
Spinal injury patients especially with neurological deficit are more prone to develop various bladder and bowel dysfunctions, which affects their physical and mental wellbeing leading to poor recovery of functions.
Why back care???


1Multiple fractures.
2Spinal injury with neurological involvement.
3Poor general condition.
4Secondary complication like muscle weakness, deformity and muscle contractures etc.
 Back care 
1.Avoid pressure sores.
2.To prevent secondary complication.
3.Maximize functional recovery.

The EPUAP Guide to Pressure Ulcer Grading

Pressure sore
     Found during autopsies on Egyptian mummies, pressure sores are an ancient medical problem.
The sites of occurrence include the
1.ischium (28%),
2.sacrum (17-27%),
3.trochanter (12-19%), and
4.heel (9-18%).
Pressure sore
1.Patients with fractures treated by conventional method like prolonged traction.
2.Elderly patients.
3.Patients with spinal cord injury.
Pressure sore - Management
Remove all clothing.
Use pressure relieving mattress ( Water bed, Air mattress)
Lift or log roll the body hourly
Examine skin for marking or damage
Support injured spine in alignment
Maintains limbs and joints in functional position to avoid contractures.
In paraplegic patients sleeping in prone position with pillows bridging the bony prominences
Relieve pressure
Avoid wetting
Choice of bed
Stryker bed
Profiling bed with multiple layers of varying density foam
Wrinkle free
Skin Care
Examine and relieve pressure regularly
Keep clean
Avoid damage
Frequent posture change
Treat minor abrasions
Log Rolling
Needed for nursing care of paraplegic and quadriplegic patients.
Avoids further damage to spinal cord & detioriation of neurology.
Log rolling
Log rolling


1.Preservation of renal function
3.Prevention of infection
4.Achieve fluid balance


1.Indwelling catheterization.
2.Intermittent catheterization.
3.Condom catheterization.
4.Suprapubic catheterization.
Indwelling catheterization
Catheter is left in place
urethra / SPC
no touch technique under strict aseptic precaution.

Intermittent catheterization
1.Strict aseptic techniques.
2.Catheterize 6 hourly initially
3.Restrict fluids to 1500 ml/24 hrs
4.Culture regular urine samples and treat significant UTI


Weekly or biweekly bladder wash
Frequent blockages
periurethral abscess, urethral diverticulum, fistula formation and epididymoorchitis
Self Intermittent Catheterization
Optimum requirements
1.Absent or minimal detrusor activity
2.Large bladder capacity
3.Sufficient manual dextrity
4.Pain free cathterisation
5.Patient motivation
Condom Catheterisation
Used in spastic bladder which empties on its own leading to soiling of clothes.
Allergic reaction.
Negates disadvantage  of urethral catheterization.
Suprapubic Catheterization
Avoids urethral instrumentation and attendant problems.
Permits high fluid intake
No fluid restriction

Disadvantages :-
1.Catheter blockage.
2.Surgical site infection
3.Technical demanding
Long term prevention of UTI
High fluid intake
effective bladder training
urinary antiseptics
Biweekly catheter change
Regular bladder wash
Bowel Care
Stretching >>>signals to spinal cord>>
Reflexive emptying
Stretching>>spinal cord>>brain>>
Voluntary emptying or holding

Why Bowel Care ?????

To prevent:-
Fluid imbalance
Bowel Care Program
1.Avoiding constipation.
2.Maintaining a good consistency in stool.
When feces becomes too dry and firm, more difficulty in emptying , allowing bacteria to remain in body for a longer period ,cause of infections and other problems.
Firm stool  irritates the colon and cause hemorrhoids

Bowels Management

Diet- a high rich fiber diet.
Avoid caffeine
laxatives, stool softeners
Manual removal of fecoliths
 Take Home Message
   Back, bladder and bowel care is a very important aspect in orthopedic patient care because these…
Have a profound impact on the overall recovery of the patient.
Hamper rehabilitation.
Lead to additional morbidity.

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